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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

D2P1 Should the United States of America be an imperial nation?

Should the United States of America be an imperial nation?

That is the question I want you to consider. There is evidence supporting the idea that we should not be and there is plenty of evidence supporting why we should be to some extent. Now you get to be the decision maker. Write your answer to this question in a constructed response. That means you should include a topic sentence giving your opinion and then follow up sentences should include evidence that supports that opinion. This should be now shorter than 5 sentences.
This will go in as a quiz grade make sure you do a good job.

I think the US ........
  • example or evidence why
  • example or evidence why
  • example or evidence why
That is why I think the US .........


Anonymous said...

I think the US shouldn't have been a imperial nation. ("shouldn't" because I can't change what happened) This is because we could show tht we wanted to step out of Europe's shadow. We could have shown that things were going to be done differently in the western hemisphere. As well as being a country that the little countries that we became the policemen of would have been able to govern themselves and probabaly been happier. That is why I think the US shouldn't have been a imperial nation.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Anna that most people want to govern themselves and be a free country, but I also think that imperial nation's can benefit from their colonies resources. Also, the colonies can benefit from the mother country's resources and protection(armies). The rest of the world is at a disadvantage because they can't trade with the mother country or colonies and they don't have as stong of an army. Mostly, I think imperialism is a good thing.

Anonymous said...

I am going to have to disagree with Anna. I think the United States of America should be an imperial nation. I think that because, we could have more money if new countries came and even a bigger army. Yes we probably would be happier if we governed ourselves but that could be a risk of rebellion from the other countries that could lead to war. So if we came together that would be a better chance of not going to war which could save us a lot of money. We would also have easier trade and the transportation would also be easier because you wouldn't have to get a passport. That's why I think the United States of America should be an imperial nation.

Anonymous said...

I think that we should be an imperialistic nation. even though there are more bad then good some bad is from normal things like wanting land. other problems also are from just normal things that will happen every time imperialistic or not. then the good out weigh the bad. like more money, new tech.,more land, and new resources. everyone gets good and some bad.

Anonymous said...

Mr Roberts Had to modify because Jake did his name wrong!

I think that we should not be an imperialistic nation for many reasons. When a country becomes an empire, it has to take care of it's "colonies" if you will to actually make a profit out of it. If you do something wrong then you will likely provoke rebellion.History has also shone that empires can become corrupted or expand through it's capacity, which likely ends with the entire thing collapsing.The Roman empire is an example of this. It had gotten so large that it's economy was spent trying to maintain it, which abruptly failed. It's army was spread out thin which made the empire defenseless against the barbarian invasions. The empire collapsed which led to the Dark Ages.I do agree with Brook and Anna that there are benefits to imperialism, such as economical benefits but history has shone that many empires collapse for a variety of reasons. Because of this, I am against imperialism.

Anonymous said...

Moved By Mr. Roberts Because it was in the wrong class.

Taylor D2P1 said...

In my opinion, however wrong it is on so many moral grounds, becoming an imperialistic country would be a smart move, considering our country's status. We've got a very large army, we have a bundle of resources, and for what we do not have, that's what colonies are for. We could colonize in an oil rich area, bringing gas prices down for once, for example. I do agree with Danielle and Cameron, so much as we have our own problems to solve, but colonizing could help solve some of those problems.

Anonymous said...

I agree and i disagree there is alot of good to being an imperialistic nation like reasoorces, land, power, money, technology and many other things nd the bad ia the same way because other nations might get sick of us always putting our nosees in other peoples buessnes and many oter things. so it is evan some are bad some are good.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Anna becasue I think becoming an Imperialistic country is not a good move. Countries may not have appriciated if America came in and start taking over. They could have been doing just fine. Also if a country allows you to come in and take over and you do something wrong,they may decide to rebel.

Anonymous said...

I also agree with Anna. I feel that if we become a imperial nation we'll be just like Great Britain. We fought so long to become our own nation and so long for britain to butt out. So why would we do it to other colonies. If they needed our help they could simply ask. I don't think they need babysitters to fix every problem they have. If we didn't like it then I'm pretty sure they won't. That's why I feel imperialism would not be right for the United States.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Taylor. Becoming an imperial nation allows us to have a stronger hold over the world and give us better and more richer resources for the colonies. Looking at our country right now, Becoming an imperialistic nation will have the U.S. at a high status.

Anonymous said...

I think the U.S.should be an imerial nation. There are so many benifits to being an imperial nation like,more tech,growth in pop.,and more resourses.There are also bad things like the other countries not liking the U.S. gov and revolting causing both sides to lose people.I think the good thongs out weigh the bad and we could gain alot from being an imperial nation.

Anonymous said...

i think it is a good idea because there are very good advantages like us going more powerful, less countries to go to war with, stuff like that. but there are many disadvantages also like having to support other countries, and about rebellion. i think that its a good that the u.s. to go imperial.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i think america should be an imperialist country because if a nation has a natural disaster and they are running out of supplies to help people, america can send supplies and people to help out.if there is a big coutry invading a smaller weaker country america can come in and be the police and break it up.

Anonymous said...

I have a lot more bad things on my list than good but I think that it would be good to have a few "colonies" but for the "mother country" only because the "colony(ies)" lose the right to govern themselves, they HAVE to trade with the "mother country"... but at the same time the "mother country" has a larger population, they have exclusive trading rights with the "colony(ies)", they get more resources, new technology, they might get a new country to trade with or a shorter route to another country, more space to put people, and it's like a shortcut to becoming a world power. If you have colonies, then you are just about automatically a world power. The "colony(ies)" get protection/help. and some countrys get helped out in a war because the world power would feel it's their responsibility to help out someone. That is why I think the U.S. should become a imperialistic nation.

Anonymous said...

I do think the United States should be an eperialistic nation because it would have lots of new trade and would have resources it did not have before and a bigger army to support such a large nation if other imperielistc nations attacked.

Anonymous said...

i think we should have an empiriealistic nation because we could trade with poeple and our economy would be a lot better and we could have better technology.

Anonymous said...

Should the us be an imperialistic nation? no, i dont think it should because then we would start to spend to much time or pay to much attention to other countries. If we went out and tried to help out anohter country, the country could turn around and steal our things, kill us, or other bad things. One good thing though is that if we were in a war with a country, other countrys would might like the us and dont like the country we are fighting and side with us. They could provide troops and guns or money to help us win. If we were to ever become an imperialistic nation, other countries might think we are to powerful and might form a large number of soldiers with other nations that dont like us either and attack us. So no i dont think we sould be an imperialistic nation.

Anonymous said...

I do not think we should be an imperialistic nation because we would be taking over other peoples lives and forcing them to change the way they live to match our beliefs. People would be unhappy because they want to be independant and be able to make their own decisions and choices. How would we feel if someone came in and took over our country? We would not like it! We would fight for our freedom. Like we did when Britian ruled us.

Anonymous said...

I think it would be an advantage to be a world power. You get more money from your colonies. You really don't need to worry about getting attacked, because you have the biggest army and you don't need to fight on the mother country, you can fight on one of your colonies. You also get reasorses you don't have on the mother country really cheep from the colonies.

Anonymous said...

i agree with britney because3 if someone just came and stated taking over waht you where doing you would be mad to. so i think it is not good to be an imperial natoin.