Should the United States of America be an imperial nation?
That is the question I want you to consider. There is evidence supporting the idea that we should not be and there is plenty of evidence supporting why we should be to some extent. Now you get to be the decision maker. Write your answer to this question in a constructed response. That means you should include a topic sentence giving your opinion and then follow up sentences should include evidence that supports that opinion. This should be now shorter than 5 sentences. This will go in as a quiz grade make sure you do a good job.
I think the US ........
- example or evidence why
- example or evidence why
- example or evidence why
I think that America should not be an imperial nation, and just let the other countries be on their own.
~America does not need to own all of the land on the face of the earth we should just work to keep improving the place that we do live in.
~We should not keep going into countries to try and help them, they should have to work on their countries just like we are doing.
That is why I do not think America should be an imperial country, but that is just my opinion.
I think America should not be an imperialistic nation.
First of all, if we took land from people like that now-a-days it could wage war.
Second, we already fulfilled our hunger for manifest destiny.
And third just taking land from other nations is wrong, they have their land and we have ours, so if we take it where are they going to go? Steal some other nations land? That my friend would be an endless cycle and it would be whack turkey!
That is why I believe we should not be an imperialistic nation.
Yes. I think the U.S.A. should still be an imperial nation. Because we could get alot of good things out of it. Such as more resources and or more money.there is also less fighting and or wars.But like many good things that come with it bad things come too.Like wars can some times start easly start to.and people could try to over throw the government. but other than that not much bad things could happen. that is why i think we should be an imperial nation.
I don't think America should be come an imperial nation.
Your taking away the freedom of other countries and other people. Your taking it away and calling it your own. Countries could try to come back at you and attach your government and over throw it. Terrorists attacks could start. people's lives could be taken, while trying to get another country. War could start. Countries could turn against you. Countries might not want help so you should respect that.
Re-Paul d2p3
I agree that taking land wages war. Also I agree that it is just plain wrong to take land.
I totally disagree with mel becuase I belive that the nation should be a imperial becuase,
1. The U.S can make friends with the other countrys which could end up that they have somthing that we need.
2. The "weaker" country that we take over will have "protection".
3. It can also strengthen the world relationshhips with the other countrys.
Over all I think imperial nation is a good thing to have so that we and the other countrys can have things that we might need or they might need. Thier are lots of good and bad things about imperial nations, But I belive that is a good thing to be an imperial nation.
I think we should be an imperialistic nation because it gives us more power over smaller countrys and larger ones would respect us more.It would cost us more money but we could take the resources they have and a new gateway to trade with the surrunding nations.It would benefit the smaller country because we could put an army there and protect them.But it might be bad for us because if they had a natural disaster we would be a big part of the relief.And it we ever did get into war lots of US lives would be lost.
I think that no, the us should not be an imperialistic nation because Even though we could do a lot of good for other countries like help them in wars and stuff, but then again they dont always want our help. And that could lead them to bombing us, or others, and terrorist attacks also! Plus why do we need to take more land? We already HAVE 50 states! and that is why i think that the u.s. should not be an imperialistic nation.
No i don't think that the U.S should be an imperialistic country because it is very expensive and hard to control what goes on in colonies that are in other areas of the world. I also say no because while they may be learning a new language, they're own culture or customs would be fading. I also believe that the U.S should stay the way it is because our country is already much larger than many other countries around the world, and we really don't need more land. Plus, the people living in the country that we would make a country might not like us being there and maybe they would rebel and that could possibly lead to another war. That wouldn't be good. In conclusion, I believe that the United States is just fine the way that it is.
Moved by Mr. Roberts because Keith put it in the wrong class.
No, I don't think the United States should be an imperialistic nation because if we were an imperialistic nation we would probably go mad with power and we would want to take over more and more countries until we ruled all of them. And the more places that are under control by one nation may result in threats to the United States. And we would have to take more and more money from the U.S to send are armies there and provide food and shelter, and a lot of people may die because the U.S might want to control bigger imperialistic nations.
i think the united states shouldnt be a imperial nation because other nations should be their own and not having us control them all the time i dont think the u.s would like china taking us over! so we should leave other countries alone and be are own country by ourself
I think the U.S.should be an imperialistic nation because if it weren't there would be alot of countries without aid during natural disasters. Also because our country has less of a chance of being attacked by another country, or a better chance of protecting ourselves. Another reason the U.S. should be an imperialistic country is that you are able to acces alot more resources by having colonies, and trading with other countries. Lastly we can have a big impact on other countries, and how the world solves its problems.
No, I do not think the U.S should be a imperialistic nation because we are losing American lives everyday, we are also killing culture without mercy we are killing culture like Lebron James is killing stats. Also I belive that seeing that we were a colony and hated it only a couple hundred years ago and we turn around and want to be hypocrytes I dont belive in that at all. Seeing that I'm on a rant I'll kkeep going, do you think that getting into fights with our enemys that don't need to be our enemys is right? I think that if we as a nation were less cocky then we would get in as many wars.
RE. Keith your right we are power hungry as it is!!!!!!
I think that the US should be an imperialistic nation because not only do we benifit from it, but the other countries benifit as well. It might entitle us to some of that country's reasources, but at the same time, that country gets our help against terrorists and other nations. Countries we "colonize" also get our aid from things such as natural disastors and poverty.
RE Cory:I think that you are wrong when you say that our nation should stay out of wars and such to avoid our troops being injured and killed. The way I look at it is we could pull out of other nations such as Iraq to keep our troops from dying, or we could stay in to keep many more inocent civilians in those countrys from dying because they deserve the rights we have.
No, I don't think the U.S. should be an imperialistic nation because so many bad things have come from it. We lose so many lives by being the world's "policeman", helping out even if sometimes other countries don't want it, and fighting for our country to keep ou freedom to fight for everybody all over the world. We also help out, loan, and give out money to other countries. So by giving away so much we're increasing our debt more then it is already. There is so many problems in other countries that sometimes we forget about the colonies and other places that REALLY need help. I can imperialism could be a hood thing that by us ( the u.s.a. ) being the huge powerful nation we are, we feel we have the responsibility to think we ALWAYS have to help. But it has become a bi problem because we still have so much to pay back and now we are giving away more then we have, and eventually if we become weak , bigger countries could comebie and take over everything our nation fights for
: Alex, i agree because yeah it is pointless countries will always rebel
I think that america should be an imperialistc country cause we might get in other countrys buisness and they might get anoyed. But we could help them sometimes but not every little problem they have.
Also we don't want to start another war with another country by makeing colonies. That is that america should be an imperialistic nation.
RE:Cory I agree with the clolonies that we might start to another country.
I think that the United States of America is not, and should not be an Imperialist country for three reasons:
1. It would be wrong to take someone else's land by force.
2. It would be hypocritical to rule another country the UK did to us.
3. It would minimize the likelihood of the people of that country rising up against us.
My father said that since the USA has not added a 51st star onto our flag, we have not been Imperialist. Protecting our country against terrorism, and freeing people from tyrany is NOT imperialism (e.g. Afganistan and Iraq). And as I said, we should not be an Imperialist country.
re: paul i dont care what you say about it it still should be an imperialism contry but what do me no-
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